여행 및 레저 체험
활동 및 경험
호놀룰루 와이키키 루아우 락카훌라 디너쇼 뷔페: 록 어 훌라 와이키키 루아우 뷔페 앤 쇼, 호놀룰루에서 즐기는 특별한 루아우 뷔페 앤 쇼!
# 와이키키
# 루아우
# 락카훌라
# 디너쇼
# 뷔페
(1개 평가)
상세 보기
Indulge in a mouthwatering buffet filled with traditional Hawaiian dishes, showcasing the flavors of the islands
Immerse yourself in the vibrant Polynesian culture with an electrifying show featuring talented dancers and musicians!
Experience the warmth and hospitality of Hawaii with friendly staff and a welcoming atmosphere
Capture unforgettable memories as you participate in interactive activities and dances during the luau
Engage all your senses as you taste, see, and hear the essence of Hawaii come alive during this unforgettable event
호놀룰루 와이키키 루아우 락카훌라 디너쇼 뷔페
🤝🏻 파트너 모집 중
사업 기회 확장 및 잠재 고객 발굴