호주 박물관 와라나라 투어
호주 박물관 와라나라 투어
호주 박물관 와라나라 투어
호주 박물관 와라나라 투어

와라나라: 호주 박물관 투어로 발견하는 퍼스트 네이션스의 아름다움

#호주# 박물관# 와라나라# 투어# 여행# 호주여행# 호주박물관# 호주와라나라# 호주투어# 호주여행사# 호주관광# 호주명소# 호주문화# 호주역사
5(1개 평가)
  • Visit the Australian Museum and join this 1-hour immersive tour into Indigenous Australian cultures led by First Nation guides
  • Learn about the beliefs and lifestyles of the world’s oldest living culture, dating back over 65,000 years in the country’s oldest museum, with this personalised guided tour in the heart of Sydney
  • This tour takes audiences on a journey into the diversity and beauty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, This journey is told through various cultural objects featured in the museum’s galleries
  • The museum provides custodial care to more than 20,000 Indigenous Australian body ornaments, contemporary art, and sculpture
  • The tour experience called waranara: First Nations Tour, means ‘to seek’ in the local Dharug language, and emphasises the strengths of the First Nations cultures and their connection to the land, sea and sky

    호주 박물관 와라나라 투어
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