호치민 반나절 투어
호치민 반나절 투어
호치민 반나절 투어
호치민 반나절 투어

사이공 일일 투어 | 호치민 반나절 투어로 즐기는 베트남 역사 여행

#호치민# 반나절# 투어# 관광# 도시# 역사# 문화# 건축# 음식# 쇼핑# 경험
4.8(5개 평가)
Enjoy the classic Saigon food: Bretel butter coffee with fried dough stick and broken rice (com tam) - a unique dish and a combination of Vietnamese and Korean culinary cultures,Visit the secret mailboxes of the old Rangers,Visit the National Monument Secret Weapons Tunnel of the Saigon Rangers - which used to contain nearly 3 tons of weapons to attack the Independence Palace and a number of targets of the Saigon government's headquarters,Visit the first private smart museum in Ho Chi Minh City – Saigon Ranger Museum where more than 100 artifacts of Saigon Rangers are kept


호치민 반나절 투어
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