화산 헬리콥터 비행 체험
화산 헬리콥터 비행 체험
화산 헬리콥터 비행 체험
화산 헬리콥터 비행 체험

"타라웨라 산 화산 헬리콥터 비행 체험 | 오라케이 코라코로 화려한 현장 감상"

#화산# 헬리콥터# 비행# 체험# 여행# 관광# 자연# 모험# 경험# 휴양# 풍경# 한국# 화산 탐험# 헬리콥터 투어
5(1개 평가)
  • Explore this volcanic region by helicopter and take in a birdeye view of the stunning scenery.
  • Choose from the different options to suit your time and budget
  • The 15 minute Crater Lakes Flight takes in spectacular views of the hidden lakes district, distant volcanoes and local geothermal activity
  • The Eruption Trail with Volcanic Landing is an unforgettbale experience, standing on Mount Tarawera offers a priveldged view of spectacular craters and domes formed by the 1886 eruption
  • The Volcanic Adventure combines the thrill of landing on Mount Tarawera with a flight that includes spectacular aerial views of the stunning crater lakes, the renowned Tarawera Falls and vibrant Waimangu and Wai-O-Tapu
  • The Thermal Explorer offers 2 landings, one on Mount Tarawera and the other at Orakei Korako where you cna experience hot springs, gushing geysers and the natural geothermal beauty

    화산 헬리콥터 비행 체험
    🤝🏻 파트너 모집 중사업 기회 확장 및 잠재 고객 발굴