Mleiha 考古中心之旅
Mleiha 考古中心之旅
Mleiha 考古中心之旅
Mleiha 考古中心之旅


#迈里哈考古中心# 阿联酋旅游# 阿联酋景点# 阿联酋文化# 阿联酋历史# 阿联酋探险# 阿联酋旅行# 阿联酋之旅
  • Be a paleontologist for the day and learn how to make fossil casts using actual fossils found in Mleiha
  • Get the chance to go back in time to several ages of ancient sea beds, the resting places of ancient creatures
  • Go through the history of the planet inscribed in the rocks
  • Have a closer look at the wide variety of artifacts on display at the Mleiha Archaeological Museum

    Mleiha 考古中心之旅
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