Explore top Hong Kong’s attractions and save on ticket prices with Klook Peak Pass Hong Kong. Feel free to choose from a list of your favorite activities when visiting Hong Kong!
Impotant Notes: The activities mentioned in the illustration may or may not be available via Klook peak passes. Please refer to the package details for most updated list of activities included.
Klook 香港山顶景点通行证,享受高达59折优惠!
凭通行证可探索超过4个最新热门景点,包括; 观赏太平山顶至高处凌霄阁摩天台428全港最高360度观景台,前往杜莎夫人蜡像馆与世界名人拍照点卡,进入全球首个真实大富翁世界参观豪宅及城市,水务局、监狱等各大立体经典场景!在永安号亲身体验香港动感之都,饱览维多利亚港两岸醉人美景,搭乘敞篷观光巴士 Big Bus观光旅游探索香港的主要景点以及更多体验!