普芬比利 & 企鹅一日游(墨尔本出发)
普芬比利 & 企鹅一日游(墨尔本出发)
普芬比利 & 企鹅一日游(墨尔本出发)
普芬比利 & 企鹅一日游(墨尔本出发)


#普芬比利# 企鹅一日游# 墨尔本# 澳大利亚# 自然风光# 动物园# 海洋生物# 旅游体验
与我们一起踏上迷人的下午冒险之旅,搭乘标志性的普芬比利蒸汽火车,开始穿越青翠的丹德农山脉的旅程。在这个长达一小时的探险中,当火车从贝尔格雷夫蜿蜒前往湖滨时,您将惊叹于郁郁葱葱的风景和历史悠久的机车。在诺比斯 (The Nobbies),您可以从悬崖顶的木板路欣赏巴斯海峡 (Bass Strait) 的海岸全景,并目睹令人惊叹的气孔。 当暮色降临时,您会被菲利普岛小企鹅返回洞穴的景象所吸引。这里是世界上最大的企鹅栖息地,提供全年观赏企鹅的体验。观看它们穿过沙子飞向它们的巢穴,或者观察它们迷人的互动,从问候到筑巢和养育雏鸟。 在您的野生动物之旅中,请留意其他本土野生动物,如沼泽小袋鼠、东部斑袋狸、巴伦角鹅和短尾海鸥。这种非凡的体验让您沉浸在自然和野生动物的奇观中,留下终生难忘的回忆!
  • Step back in time and experience the nostalgia of a bygone era on the iconic Puffing Billy steam train
  • Embrace tradition as you dangle your legs out of the train during a 1-hour journey through lush rainforests on the Puffing Billy, creating memories that will last a lifetime
  • Discover the Lakeside Visitor Centre at Emerald Lake Park, a tranquil haven nestled in towering rainforests and fern gullies - a true gem in a serene natural setting
  • Stroll along the boardwalks and be captivated by the breathtaking views at The Nobbies, a coastal wonderland where land and sea meet in harmony
  • Experience the unspoiled beauty of Summerland Peninsula at the western end of Phillip Island, where nature's wonders await around every corner
  • End your day by watching the spectacular penguin parade at sunset, as these adorable creatures waddle ashore, creating a magical and unforgettable spectacle

    普芬比利 & 企鹅一日游(墨尔本出发)
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