狄奧多西地下水庫(Serefiye Cistern)門票
狄奧多西地下水庫(Serefiye Cistern)門票
狄奧多西地下水庫(Serefiye Cistern)門票
狄奧多西地下水庫(Serefiye Cistern)門票

狄奧多西地下水庫(Serefiye Cistern)門票

蓄水池建於 428 年至 443 年間。它是城市主要供水系統的一部分。鎮缺乏水源。這導致拜占庭人建造了許多蓄水池,以便在這些蓄水池中盡可能保存雨水。他們僅在緊急情況、乾旱或圍困期間才使用這些蓄水池中的水。尺寸約 24x40 公尺。三十二根帶有科林斯式柱頭的大理石柱支撐著屋頂。它最近得到了很好的修復,並作為博物館向公眾開放。
  • Explore the Serefiye Cistern, built between 428-443 by Emperor Theodosius, showcasing Byzantine infrastructure and history
  • Discover one of Constantinople's three significant cisterns, along with Binbirdirek and Basilica Cisterns, for a unique historical experience
  • Learn about the ancient Aqueduct of Valens, which brought water from the Belgrade Forest to supply the cistern
  • Marvel at the intricate architectural techniques of the Byzantines, beautifully preserved in the Serefiye Cistern in Istanbul
  • Step into the past and experience the wonders of the Serefiye Cistern, a testament to Byzantine engineering and ingenuity

    狄奧多西地下水庫(Serefiye Cistern)門票
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