

#倫敦# 戴安娜王妃# 認證展覽# 門票



進入戴安娜王妃的世界,參加這個經認證的展覽,深入瞭解這位人民王妃的生活和遺產。通過精心策劃的文物和展品,深入瞭解她非凡的旅程,從她標誌性的時尚時刻到她的人道主義努力。 您可以選擇多種選擇來提升您的體驗,包括倫敦巴士之旅,讓您在沉浸在戴安娜的故事中的同時探索這座城市的標誌性地標。或者,您可以選擇參觀皇家徒步之旅、白金漢宮或威斯敏斯特大教堂等皇家景點,在那裡您可以瞭解英國君主制的豐富歷史和富麗堂皇。 無論您是戴安娜王妃的忠實崇拜者,還是僅僅對她迷人的一生感興趣,這個展覽都提供了一個獨特的機會來紀念她並慶祝她對世界的持久影響
  • Immerse yourself in an iconic photo exhibition showcasing Princess Diana and her family's intimate moments
  • Enjoy a visual journey filled with captivating images, murals, and bespoke art installations depicting Diana's life
  • Embark on an open-top hop-on, hop-off bus tour to see London's famous sights while learning about the city's history
  • Indulge in scones and bubbly on the afternoon tea bus, a unique experience combined with a scenic city tour
  • View exclusive photos from Princess Diana's official royal photographers, offering a glimpse into her public and private life
  • Explore famous royal locations around the city, such as Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, or Westminster Abbey
  • Immerse yourself in an iconic photo exhibition showcasing Princess Diana and her family's intimate moments
  • Enjoy a visual journey filled with captivating images, murals, and bespoke art installations depicting Diana's life
  • Embark on an open-top hop-on, hop-off bus tour to see London's famous sights while learning about the city's history
  • Indulge in scones and bubbly on the afternoon tea bus, a unique experience combined with a scenic city tour
  • View exclusive photos from Princess Diana's official royal photographers, offering a glimpse into her public and private life
  • Explore famous royal locations around the city, such as Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, or Westminster Abbey

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